Rainbow River Tubing Rainbow Springs State Park. Florida's springs: Weekend getaways that are literally cool


Posted by admin | Posted in | Posted on 17/02/2011

Online guide to the beautiful Ichetucknee River and Ichetucknee Springs in Fort White, Florida. Tubing, camping, swimming, canoeing, kayaking, and more fun

Florida Springs Guide pictures: Rock Springs at Kelly Park At the middle of the tubing course, the stream blossoms into a series of lagoons and pools

Here is information on four of Florida's favorite springs: The idea here is to sink your bottom into a tube and just float down the 73 degree river.

Tubing; Ichetucknee Springs, Florida -- The Blue Hole Canoeing; Picnicking; Hiking; Swimming/Snorkeling. Tubing the River. We'll start out with the one that

3 Jul 2008 Tubing Ichetucknee - Jordan Klein. When temperatures rise in Florida, one great place to seek relief is Ichetucknee Springs State Park.

16 Mar 2010 Summer means taking the family to the water. In these Florida springs, the water flows pure and clear, and it's always cool.

3 Jul 2008 Tubing Ichetucknee - Jordan Klein. When temperatures rise in Florida, one great place to seek relief is Ichetucknee Springs State Park.

There are countless (well, almost) springs in Florida that have great swimming, snorkelling, scuba, tubing and canoeing. This web site covers some of the

ICHNETUCKNEE SPRINGS STATE PARK. TUBING Tubing on the crystal clear Ichetucknee River is a unique experience in Florida. Nowhere else can one enjoy the

So, whether it is swimming, snorkeling, kayaking, canoeing, tubing, cave diving, or just looking at fish, Florida's springs offer something for everyone.

Ever wish you could hit a button and slow down our high-speed go, go, go world?

Nearby: C.A.R.E., Central Florida Zoological Park, Kelly Park, King's Landing Canoe Rental, Rock Springs Run State Reserve, Wekiwa Springs State Park.

19 Jun 2010 Florida offers many opportunities for tubing at its state parks. The Ichetucknee Springs State Park offers tubing along the Ichetucknee

This is a great tubing experience in the crystal clear waters of Rainbow River in Rainbow Springs Florida. Rainbow River tubing is fun for all ages.

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