Every day we are surrounded by electromagnetic fields (EMF) from . Breast Cancer and the Spring Mattress, Yep...could be a link


Posted by admin | Posted in | Posted on 17/02/2011

your mattress. High quality, natural, sustainably produced latex does not sag over time, does not need metal springs to keep its shape and can offer

Inspection reports include suggestions for EMF mitigation. DC Magnetic Fields (geo-pathic stress, bed frames, mattress springs, etc.)

30 Jul 2010 A study that supports what some of us have been saying for years – that metal springs in mattresses act as wave-guides and amplify EMF's

26 Aug 2010 Xemf Neutralizers reduce the amount of emf radiation from your body. to the elevated box springs and mattress of beds used in the West.

100% Natural Latex Organic Mattresses and Pillows. energy reserves becoming depleted dealing with EMFs radiated from the metal springs in the mattress.

In addition, the springs in your mattress can become magnetized, which can also as most of the health problems researchers now associate with EMF and

TheraMat Mattress Pad EMF Shielding Technology Far Infrared Heat Natural Anion Spring. TheraMat Floor Warmer EMF Shielding Technology Far Infrared Heat

As we sleep on our coil-spring mattresses, we are in effect sleeping on an New Study Proves EMF Affects Living Things, Discovers Electro-bonsai Effect

A Cotton Mattress means a healthy, natural sleep. Best Guide to Cotton Mattress models can heighten the Earth's EMF while you sleep, causing undesirable Those mattresses with inner springs do not need the slats and can be placed

18 Aug 2010 Study reveals that a metal box spring mattress could be acting as a radiation antenna which can cause breast cancer or melanoma.

18 Aug 2010 http://emf.mercola.com/sites/emf/archive/2010/08/18/your-box-spring-mattress- could-be-acting-as-a-gigantic-cancercausing-radiation-antenna.

mattress or springs, or against walls, footboards or bed frame. A EMF stands for Electromagnetic Field. This is an electrical field that surrounds any

A Cotton Mattress means a healthy, natural sleep. Best Guide to Cotton Mattress models can heighten the Earth's EMF while you sleep, causing undesirable Those mattresses with inner springs do not need the slats and can be placed

The latex bed does not contain a spring system, it is similar to foam beds, but natural. The bed has a 100% latex core, can be covered with organic cotton

18 Aug 2010 In addition, the springs in your mattress can become magnetized, based on the EMF levels of your sleeping quarters while pregnant!

TheraMat Mattress Pad EMF Shielding Technology Far Infrared Heat Natural Anion Spring. TheraMat Floor Warmer EMF Shielding Technology Far Infrared Heat

18 Aug 2010 In addition, the springs in your mattress can become magnetized, One good source that demonstrates this is the 2009 special EMF issue of

8 Sep 2010 Most bed frames and box springs mattresses we use are made out of metal coils Baby Monitors - More EMF Radiation than Cell phone Mast >

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