Nile Crocodile. Saltwater Crocodile (Crocodylus porosus)


Posted by admin | Posted in | Posted on 17/02/2011

Food: Crocodiles eat all sorts of animals and prey, fish, frogs, reptiles, The young crocodiles eat insects. As they grow they feed on tadpoles frogs,

What do Nile Crocodile eat Young hatchlings generally feed on smaller prey, preferring insects and small aquatic invertebrates before taking on fish,

18 Jun 2007 She covers them to protect them from hungry snakes, birds, goannas or even other crocodiles. These animals like to eat crocodile eggs.

Offspring: 40 - 60. Life Span: 70 years The larger the crocodile the more it can eat. Adult crocodiles will eat snakes, buffalo, domestic cattle,

Crocodiles eat meat. Any animal they can catch they will eat. That includes fish and humans. They move very quickly and can rush animals on ... view more.

When born, a baby crocodile is about eight inches long. They are born a light greenish, gray color with black crossband. Baby crocodiles eat water insects

The most dominant crocodile eats first. Their ability to lie concealed with most of of their mouth to help crack the shell, and release their offspring.

12 Aug 2010 What is the difference in an alligator and a crocodile? Alligators & crocodiles are actually in different families, a... Which weighs more: an

Crocodiles eat mostly fish, but have been known to catch and eat anything that wanders near enough. They swallow their prey whole, usually after drowning it

What Do Crocodile Eat? They basically eat anything they can catch,humans No because crocodiles dont live in the ocean and most whales eat krill and

Larger crocodiles eat larger prey such as pigs, wallabies and even other Sex of the offspring is determined by incubation temperature: low and high

9 Sep 2010 Crocodiles mostly eat fish, other reptiles, and mammals, 99% of the crocodile offspring are eaten in the first year of life by large

The wet season seems to be the period when growth and feeding are maximised in crocodiles of all sizes. Young crocodiles eat small animals such as crabs,

This probably gave rise to the myth that mother crocodiles eat their young which is not true. The babies have to catch their own food but the mother will

How many kilos does adult and young crocodile eat per day? Crocodiles are cold blooded reptiles so they don't need to eat on a daily basis;

The juveniles eat spiders, frogs, insects, snakes, lizards and other small vertebrates. Fish make up a substantial part of the diets of older offspring and

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